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The objectives of the Company are as follows:

  • To assist clients to maintain independence and quality of life in their own home
  • To provide the best possible services with a friendly, caring and compassionate approach
  • To provide appropriate trained and skilled staff that fits our clients’ needs
  • To provide continuity of care wherever possible
  • To respect the dignity and privacy of our clients

A Little About Us

We listen. We care. we are here to proffer help. Whatever your situation is, remember that Herts Healthcare has helped many families and your own won’t be an exemption. We seek to give you support and care that is practically personalized to your needs. Come on board let’s figure out a way.

Night Care
Day Care
Personal Care
Herts Healthcare

Our Organisation

About us

Care is a role that requires and involves empathy, compassion, and patience. Care refers to the supremacy of intimacy, joy, and commitment to supporting vulnerable adults to live as independently as possible in their individualized homes and observing their autonomous lifestyles with active participation promotion.

About Us

In line with the CQC Quality Statements, Herts Healthcare ensures that their quality service delivery is Safe, Caring, Responsive, Effective, and Well-led across the vulnerable individuals from ages 16 and above using the Best Interests where Herts Healthcare staff make decisions on behalf of vulnerable individuals who lack mental capacity as addressed in the MCA (2005).

Offering a wealth of person-centered care, community engagement support, and complex care needs to be amalgamated with domestic support services in a bid to meet the needs of dependent clients (“Service Users”) Health Healthcare prides itself in their policy-based operations. Our Values towards the ‘users’ which include residents and clients’ encompass a wide variety of people with special needs, including mental health resulting from various dynamics of lifestyles and community behavior, physical, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), and all levels of LD (learning disabilities). Herts Healthcare delivers quality service to individuals in both domiciliary and supported living housing facilities in accordance with Care Act 2014. We also provide comprehensive oncology and complex care, as well as compassionate support during end-of-life. This will be achieved by promoting a standard of excellence that embraces fundamental principles of good care practice that are endorsed by our regulatory bodies.


We aim to be an outstanding care provider within the entire Hertfordshire county and across the whole of England, providing our clients with first-class care, using every means available to achieve the best possible outcome for them.


The objectives of the Company are as follows:

  • To assist clients to maintain independence and quality of life in their own home
  • To provide the best possible services with a friendly, caring and compassionate approach
  • To provide appropriate trained and skilled staff that fits our client's needs
  • To provide continuity of care wherever possible
  • To respect the dignity and privacy of our clients


Herts healthcare believes that, for services to be effective, they should be based on sound values and principles and an understanding of the fundamental and individual needs of service users. The Service Values are as follows:

The right of individuals to be left alone or undisturbed and free from intrusion or public attention into their affairs. This is taken into account in the formulation of Care Plans, and will only be overridden in exceptional circumstances, and with the knowledge of the service user or their advocate.

Service user confidentiality is, wherever possible, maintained. On occasion, it will be necessary, for the benefit of the service user or others to share personal information with either other professionals or organisations. Where possible, service users are consulted and their views are taken into account. (Also see Section 2.2 of the handbook relating to employees’ conduct concerning confidentiality).

All individuals, whatever their circumstances, you have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.

All service users are entitled to make decisions about their daily lives and activities. This may, from time to time, result in a conflict between ensuring safety and maximising independence. Service users will be supported in their decisions to take reasonable risks.

Service users have the right to be heard and to be fully informed on all aspects of their care.
Methods of communication are appropriate to the particular abilities and experiences of each individual, and are tailored to each particular set of circumstances.

Service users are enabled to act independently. Services are aimed at maximising the individual’s capacity for self-care and mobility.

Every individual, whatever their circumstances, has the potential for development, and the right to hold personal aspirations. Within the boundaries set by legislation and professional social work ethics, service users are encouraged in achieving their personal goals.

Corporate Statement of Good Practice

The philosophy of the Company is to reflect and promote values that focus upon the individual client or Service User as being at the centre of Care Service planning and Service delivery. To help achieve this, the Company has drawn upon the fundamental Core Values of Care to develop the following Service Values which will form the basis for considering the provision of an individual Care Service.

  • Autonomy and independence of personal decision-making, including the assumption of risks as well as responsibilities associated with citizenship.
  • Choice of occupational activities, lifestyle, and the best way to maintain independence, including the opportunity to select independently from a range of options.
  • Respect for the intrinsic worth, dignity and individuality of the person and his / her racial and ethnic identity and cultural heritage.
  • Participation and integration in society, and the development of plans, policies and decisions affecting the individual’s life.
  • Knowledge about conditions and prospects, options and opportunities, and ways of improving the individual’s life.
  • Fulfillment of personal aspirations and abilities in all aspects of daily life, including the chance to develop new skills and knowledge.
  • Privacy from unnecessary intrusion, and the preservation and safeguarding of confidentiality.
  • Equality of opportunity and access to services irrespective of age, race or ethnic origin, creed, colour, religion, political affiliation, disability or impairments, marital status, parenthood, sexual gender or sexual orientation.
  • The realisation of these values, together with the level of help and support required to achieve personal goals, will be a unique process for each person – every person is an individual. However, the value principles remain constant and will provide a sound foundation for the provision of care to all, regardless of personal circumstances and in accordance with the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

Corporate Partnerships

Do You Need any help From Us?

Excellent service, very reliable, caring. I received just the support I needed. The Staff member was very kind and reassuring




Herts Healthcare were very professonal and easy to deal with. The carer was attentive and pleasant and did everything we asked her to do more. Very easy people to communicate with using emails.




In the 6 years of having working closely with at least 3 agencies, and 11 carers, this is the first time I have found carers who have been so sport on, loving, gentle, friendly, warm and genuine. They stick to the routine and my Nana is very happy as can be.
They are consistent, on time, work well together and so very helpful and positive. so gratefull and happy.




As I got older, I realised that this service had made me happy in my own home.


